Rewarding for Social Activities

With Toki, you can reward for social behaviors such as follow, like, post and join on the following platforms.
Written by Nora
Updated 9 months ago

With Toki, you can reward for social behaviors such as follow, like, post and join on the following platforms.

  • Twitter
  • FB
  • Instagram
  • Discord
  • TikTok

Social tracking is complicated as it varies based on the API access the social channel will allow. Leading social platforms like Meta and TikTok do not open up all of their API’s to allow certain attribution so we must partner with third party platforms in order to track actions.

Here is a thorough review of what is trackable and what isn't

If you are interested in rewarding for an activity on this list that isn't trackable, we suggest turning off automated approval like so.

If you do this, these actions will be submitted into an approval cue. You will need to go into this cue on a regular basis and approve activities.

You might even want to go as far as to require link approval in order to really ensure they have done the activity. This means if the activity is "Retweet" then they will need to add a link of the retweet they did for you to review and approve.

This is what the activity will look like for the member.

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