How to Use Toki events in Klaviyo

You can create unique automations based on your members loyalty, referral and membership behaviors with Toki event triggers in Klaviyo.
Written by Nora
Updated 4 months ago

You can create unique automations based on your members loyalty, referral and membership behaviors with Toki event triggers in Klaviyo. For example:

Send them an email when they unlock a new tier


Let them know when they've generated referral credit

All of this is possible through Toki events. Here is how you create an event based flow.

Here is a list of all the events we support:

  • Toki Points Earned: This event is triggered any time a customer earns points; This event is commonly used for: keeping a customer's point balance up to date in your CRM or email marketing platform. If you want to create an email flow that is triggered once someone joins the program, this one is best to use.
  • Toki Redemption Created: This event is triggered any time a customer redeems points and receives a coupon code. When the customer does not explicitly receive a coupon code, during redemption at checkout, for example, this event will not fire.
  • Toki Referral Completed: This event is triggered any time a customer refers a friend that satisfies the referral program requirements. This event is commonly used for: sending an email thanking the customer for the referral.
  • Toki Send Refer A Friend Invite: This event triggers when you set up a flow to send a custom email for the friend being referred to the brand. 
  • Toki Tier Earned: This event is triggered when a customer meets the requirement for a new tier.This event is commonly used for: letting a customer know they reached a certain status level.
  • Toki Tier Lost: This event is triggered when a customer fails to meet the requirement for a tier after the specified period of time has passed. This event is commonly used for: sending a "warning" a set period of time to let the customer know they are about to lose their tier if they don't step up their participation.
  • Toki Tier Status Changed: This event is triggered when a customer gets closer or farther from retaining their current tier, and from entering the next tier. This event is commonly used for creating incentives by notifying customers "You only need X more points to reach the next tier"
  • Toki Account Created: The event is triggered when a reward was given to a customer for creating an account using the Create Account earning rule. This event is commonly used: if you want to do a Welcome Series for new users.
  • Wishlist Item Added: When a user has added a new wishlist item to their wishlist. Properties attached: Toki Product Id, Toki Variant Id + Toki Label
  • Wishlist Item Removed: When a user has removed a new wishlist item to their wishlist: Toki Product Id, Toki Variant Id + Toki Label
  • Challenge Started: When a user has started a challenge
  • Challenge Completed: When a user has completed a challenge

If events are not filtering through for you, please make sure you can connected your Klaviyo account to Toki via the Integration API's. 
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