Analytics for credits and completed activities
- Divided by shops
- Other analytics
Rewards Program
Everything settings except Currency
Activities (+ Challenges)
Divided by shops
Paid Memberships
Common among all shops
We create the same products in all stores at the same time
Wallet Pass
Common among all shops
But users can install different Apple Passes to different stores, so in fact, a user can have several cards from the same merchant assigned to a store
Common among all shops
Since the activities are assigned to the merchant, their approval is also
Common among all shops
Currently, these are rules between merchants, not between their stores
Common among all shops
Exclusive Product Rules
Common among all shops
Here you can choose collections from all connected shops (same with products in activities)
Common among all shops
Since manual notifications are based on segments, you can choose (in theory) a segment that corresponds only to a certain store
And automatic ones are sent depending on the user's actions, regardless of which store the user is in
Different for each shop
Common among all shops
But we save each profile to a separate shop, and show all profiles that a merchant has, so on the backend they are tied to different shops
Common among all shops
Currently, we cannot create a segment of users who are tied to a certain shop, but since we tie user profiles to different shops, it is possible
Common among all shops
If you want a different design, then you just need to create different settings and use a different designId
Merchant settings
Shop name - Different for each shop
- Rest - Common among all shops
Common among all shops
We manually choose for which store in Shopify to issue invoices, so if several stores are connected, invoices will be issued only to one of them (usually this is the first store that chose a tariff plan)