Looking to drive users to a specific wallet page? Look no further..
Steps for structuring:
- Use the following template {{your-link-with-toki-wallet}}?toki-owp-{{path}} toki-owp- this parameter sets the initial page on which the wallet will be opened when someone opens it
- Replace {{your-link-with-toki-wallet}}- with the link where you placed the wallet
- Replace {{path}} to the path inside the wallet on which page you want to open the wallet
Here are a list of available paths:
- /home- home page (the first tab)
- /home/earn- Ways To Earn page
- /home/activities - will open the wallet on the activity list
- /home/activity/{{activity_id}} - will open the wallet on a specific activity
- You can find your Activity ID in the domain when you open the activity (i.e. https://manage.buildwithtoki.com/rewards/activities/75368b03-ed0e-43be-a9fc-a6e4d78642ce)
- /home/challenges- Challenges page
- /home/voting-activities- Voting Activities page
- /home/voting-activity/{{id}}- specific voting activity
- /profile - Profile page (the fourth tab)
- /profile/edit - the fifth tab
- /reward-overview - the second tab
- /transactions - the third tab
- /credits/spend - the fourth tab
For example (if you want this to open on a new page):https://peakskis.com/pages/thank-you-for-purchasing-peak-skis?toki-owp=/home/activity/9a60de6f-8f25-4f7e-a4ce-a1cfd46f1e21&with_toki_wallet=1
If you don't want to open a new page, and you want to open the wallet on the same page, use this format: